The holidays are most certainly NOT the “most wonderful time of year” when you’re struggling with heartbreak in the aftermath of a bad breakup. Being newly single during a super-social time of year is hard enough, but when the memories of holidays past flood you with sadness it can feel like more than you can even bear. It also feels extremely lonely when you’re in a place of sadness (or other dark emotions) and everyone else seems to be extra-cheerful and full of the holiday spirit.
Well you are not alone, and believe it or not, you can harness the opportunities of this holiday season to move you further a long in your recovery process… IF you know what to do in each phase of breakup recovery healing.
On this edition of the Love, Happiness and Success Podcast Dr. Lisa Marie Bobby shares her best advice for how to actually use the holidays to help yourself heal your broken heart more quickly. Depending on where you are in your breakup recovery process, different strategies for coping and dealing with the holidays will be the right choice for you. Listen and learn what strategies will be the best ones for you this year.
Listen, and learn how to Survive Your Breakup Over the Holidays:
Everyone has their “triggers” associated with the holidays. When I was going through my own horrible breakup, it was the fact that the previous Xmas my boyfriend had given me a diamond ring. For years I couldn’t even look at a Christmas tree without thinking about it. What’s your big trigger this year?
This time last year at Christmas, my ex broke up with me after losing his temper over a very minor matter. He ‘ruined’ the holidays for me and I remember journaling that he would never be able to do that again. Well you guess it? We got back together and as night follows day, he ruined this Christmas by not only breaking up with me in November but also announcing (as he collected a gift I had prepared for his mum), that he had been dating someone else for 5 weeks. He met her on-line which he vowed to be he would never do. (We met hiking in the mountains).
What has got me through this very challenging time is Dr Lisa’s podcasts which I have listened to every single day for a fortnight. To say she has she the ability to ‘nail’ the issue is an understatement and to hear that I am ‘not alone’, my feelings are normal and this will take a bit of time, is so incredibly empowering. I am so glad I found Blessing to all of you and I hope your hearts are mending.
There is certainly a lot to find out about this issue. I love all of the points you have made. Miranda Daron Bary