Heal Your Broken Heart
Learn how to release your attachment, and move on with your life.Time alone does not heal heartbreak. Positive action does.
Lisa Marie Bobby
Heartbreak Recovery: The Stages of Healing
Are you still on the fence about this relationship? Do you wonder if there is still hope? Do you fantasize about getting back together?
Dr. Bobby will help you determine if your relationship can be saved.
When (or if) you decide that you need to release your attachment to this person, then your recovery process can start.
Healing your broken heart is a recovery process that has a lot in common with recovering from an addiction.
Dr. Bobby will show you how to sever your unhealthy attachment, work through the feelings that keep you trapped, and set healthy new boundaries for yourself.
Unresolved feelings of anger, guilt and regret can keep you stuck in an unhealthy attachment.
Learn how to work through dark feelings in a productive way, so you can find forgiveness and move on with your life.
Going through a hard breakup or divorce takes a toll on your self esteem.
Dr. Bobby will show you how to reconnect with your self worth, reclaim your strengths, and restore your self confidence.
Do you obsess about your Ex? Rehash old memories? Feel triggered by certain locations, situations or people?
Dr. Bobby will show you how to reclaim your mental and emotional energy, and leave the put the past behind you.
The hardest life expereinces are some of our most valuable teachers, if you know how to use them.
Dr. Bobby will help you learn from this experience so you can grow in your confidence, gain clarity in your values, and design a new plan for your life.
After you’ve healed and grown, it’s time to get back out there.
Dr. Bobby will teach you how to trust others again, how to decide if you’re ready to date or not, and how to create a healthy, positive new relationship in the future.